Sunday, June 2, 2013

After Long-Awaited.. At Last~~!!

Ok, the post title might be over-exaggerated
Well, what that I have waited for long time???
Heee... it's just KFC~~!!

Some might say, "It's just KFC..." or "Ala, tak payah nak over sangat la..KFC ja pun..."

But, still... for almost a month I crave to eat KFC

I have 2 roomates that will buy KFC once a week, or sometimes 3 times per week
But, I'm not that close with them
One of them is Indian, and I just talk when needed
While the other one is senior, 4th year student (final year) and I also not really close with her

And you know, when you crave for something (esp food)...
When they eat in front of you, it feel like.. "teringinnya...." like that

Last week, my Dad came to Sabah as he had "kursus" here
Then, he came to met me and took me out to eat
He asked me, "Kakak, ada teringin nk makan apa2 dak? Habaq ja, abah bwk pi..."
But, I forgot about the KFC thing, so I just answered. "Kakak mkn ja papa pun, ikut abah la..."
So, lastly, we went to a restaurant and I just ate everyday's food... (still appetising)
That's all

At last, this week, last Friday, I talk to myself.
"By hook or by crook, I'll make sure I got those KFC!"
Then, on 11 am in Friday, I went out with one of my course mate, Zie to IB
Hahahaha... at last... I got it!!!

I even bought a bottle of Chilli Sauce... hehe
After I ate, I felt like, "Alhamdulillah, dpt jugak mkn KFC..."
hahaha...okay, I might kind of exaggerated, but still, I really felt that way...